Sun 27 Dec 2009
December 27, 2009: Loving the Drama
Posted by Connie under Spiritual self help memoir
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December 27th, 2009: Loving the Drama
I’m experiencing post Christmas let down. I swore I had evolved to a better space that didn’t rely so heavily on outside conditions to keep me feeling good but then, splat! That’s probably too dramatic and I’m getting my post Christmas bearings.
I love the feeling of the positive energy at Christmas. There is a certain drama about it and Abraham (see side bar) says we love drama and that is certainly true in my experience. And think about it. Drama sells a lot of newspapers. In fact drama drives our entire news media. Those news clips can be funny if you or your family are not involved…i.e. “Don’t let an escalator be your stairway to death.” Someone got clothes caught. Or, “will tomorrow’s weather ruin you weekend plans?” And on and on and on.
I believe we have a need to have drama in our lives because we need to express the “bigness” of our spirits. We need some way to mirror our personal power in a way that feels satisfying.
If we had not been systematically trained away from who we truly are perhaps we would not have the pressing need to project our own power onto the world around us. Everywhere we look something or someone is telling us the world is so big and so powerful and we are so little and could get squashed at any second.
Now if we can just differentiate between positive and negative drama. There is drama fueled by fear and drama fueled by love.
Since we create our own reality and the Law of Attraction will bring us more of what we focus upon, I vote for positive drama.
Is positive drama an oxymoron? If so, I’m redefining drama as that which expresses the expansiveness of who I am in a way that feels uplifting not only to me but to everyone around me.
There have been two excellent examples of positive drama in two films recently. Films which stretch us to who we truly are. The first is Whip It, a wonderful film about a girl finding her unique sense of self and how her family must also stretch to love and accommodate this new identity.
The second is Invictus, a story of Nelson Mandela and how a white identified rugby team helps unite a country. I wish more films could uplift us like that and to help us become more of who we are.
So in my post Christmas mornings I’m reminded to create positive drama for myself, to imagine myself down the road living out my dreams and feeling what that will feel like right now. Create the vibration within that feels like the future manifestation and then enjoy the journey watching Law of Attraction bringing it to me.
This is not a one time event. It’s a constant remembering to stretch into, move into that which I have become. It really does feel good.
Happy Becoming.
With Love, Connie
English please?