June 30, 2010:  The tipping point

You know those teeter totters on playgrounds?  I used to play on them as a kid.  If you have equal weight on both sides you can stay suspended with your feet off the ground but if one side is heavier that the other or if on person moves back on the seat the weight reaches the tipping point and that end will come down and the other side will go up.  It’s kind of like a giant scales.

Abraham (see side panel) talks about a tipping point too.  They say that when you have practiced being in your Vortex of Creation, that really good feeling place, long enough, then you will reach a tipping point where most of your vibration will be in the Vortex…you won’t have to focus yourself there all the time, you will just find yourself there.  It is our natural state of being but we have gotten trained away from who we are as Source in physical bodies.

Well, folks, I have reached the tipping point.  It happened while I was in the North Woods.  It was not an event but just a noticing that my vibration was continually in the Vortex and I didn’t have to get myself there.  I just was there.  Before, when I would have periods of being in the Vortex, I did not feel as grounded there as I do now.  I could also feel spit out of the Vortex very easily with seemingly no trigger.  Now with every breath, its beginning to feel like home and I can’t tell you how amazing it is. 

I’m not quite used to it yet because I feel like my body is whirling very fast…I know my metabolism is shifting and I’m drinking water like crazy.  I’m not diabetic either.  As new as this feels, I also know that it is home.  This is where ET in Stephen Spielberg’s movie was trying to reach I think when he said “ET phone home”.  I cried so much when he said that because I wanted to go home too but I didn’t know where home was.  And now I feel as if I’m there!  And I don’t feel guilty, or arrogant, or snooty about saying it one bit because I have been looking for “home” all my life and paid my dues.  Not that there are any dues to pay…that was an out of the Vortex comment.

I feel a bit like Oprah when she said that she grew up in such grinding poverty in the south that when she began to make serious money she didn’t feel guilty at all because of where she had come from and how hard she had worked.  It’s like that for me.

I feel a sense of freedom that I’ve never felt before and it is delicious.  I’m not even afraid of saying it out loud because I know I can’t go back.  When we expand to a certain point there is no going back.  And that is also a comfort to me.  What is also very very cool is that there is no ceiling to how good we can feel.  It just keeps getting better.  There is no endedness in our expansion.

And so I return home to Milwaukee to just BE and breathe and enjoy the summer.  I know there will be days when I encounter contrast but I also know how to get home again.

With love from Home, Connie