Fri 25 Jun 2010
June 25th, 2010: A Message from the Eagles
Posted by Connie under Spiritual self help memoir
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June 25th, 2010: A message from the Eagles
I have had an ongoing relationship with eagles. They have always fascinated me and have become a talisman for me because of their proud independence and sense of freedom I see. Plus they are just so stunningly majestic.
I wondered what I would take from the eagles this year. I have stories about my interface with eagles. I had a sense that we would connect this year because it is such a pivotal point for me. A new life. A new way of being in the world. This morning I received my message.
I was doing my regular journaling and meditating this morning and I was thinking about the eagles. It also occurred to me that nearly every time I saw them they were soaring up and up and up, going in circles, not needing to flap wings but riding air currents. I watched them several times until they became pin points of light and I marveled at the heights they reached.
At the same time that I was thinking that the thought then came to me about how when I’m feeling some negative feelings, it is good to back away mentally from the situation until the details become blurred and I can see a bigger much brighter picture. I can remember who I am when I back up from a troubling feeling and know the All-Is-Wellness of everything.
So I thought of the eagles and my seeing them soaring over and over, and then thought about my need to back up and away from negative thoughts and feelings and then…and this brought goose bumps on my neck…I had a deep knowing that my Source had “arranged” a hook up between the eagles and me and like I said, it was a stunning moment of Knowing. Like receiving a personal message from the Universe and one which also said we are all one
I certainly will remember this. I have had moments like this before but not a lot of moments when I needed the message and it resonated so deeply and clearly and also knowing that it came from somewhere other that my physical being. It was my higher Source self speaking to me directly not in words but in an idea or a block of thought. I know we all have access to Source energy but feeling it is such an affirmation and knowing my connection with the life around me as well feels so joyful.
And so I trailer my motorcycle home tomorrow. I’m so appreciative of the healing time here and am curious about what is coming next.
With Love, Connie
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