Sun 13 Jun 2010
June 13, 2010: “Up North”
Posted by Connie under Spiritual self help memoir
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June 13th, 2010: “Up North”
I’m sitting on a large screened porch looking at the lake on a cool day. Just saw two gaggles of baby ducks following the shoreline in search of delicacies for lunch. My bff dog, Dudie is standing watch on the whole thing. I swear to God he smiles a lot when we are up here. He gets to roam wild like freedom seeking creature he is and goes to the door and races around and comes back triumphant to sit in Mom’s lap to get refueled for the next adventure.
With such a backdrop of serenity and beauty I was hoping ftofind my Vortex again and feeling more at one with the whole deal. My energy went south several days ago after the best feeling time of my life, seriously, and that is maddening. I want to throw a fit! And then I hear Abraham (see side panel) in my ear telling me to make peace with where I am and to begin to appreciate the contrasting experiences in my life more. Geeeez, I’m trying but…
Actually this morning while I was doing my focus work and journaling I received some guidance that encouraged me to go more deeply inside of me and to let go of externals a bit more. It’s as if we are all looking at a play outside of us and the real deal is going on at a vibrational energetic level which is internal and much larger than what our physical eyes can manage.
I know I’ve been on the verge of stretching myself and taking the bounce from the contrast I was experiencing. But there is some fear there…fear of letting go…letting go of what? Letting go of externals to prop me up and taking the plunge for a deeper connection with my inner being. Putting my complete faith and trust in my Source and not worrying about the details. That’s it, of course. And as I experienced such peace in the thought I was soothed too by the perfect timing of this trip. Now that wasn’t an accident. Coming up to God’s playground at the time when I most needed to slow down and be quiet, at one with All That Is. It is no accident that I’ve arrived here just when my need to let go is greatest.
It’s as if I’m hearing, go on, you can take the jump, look around you, I’m everywhere to catch you. This is one of my favorite places in the world…along withFlorence, Venice, any Princess ship, and on and on. But my soul feels at home here. And I brought my motorcycle with me. Picture me and my bff dog riding. He even has little doggie goggles, called doggles. Cute!
I’ll try to get a pic of Dudie and me riding on the site here. And I’m glad I have this way to stay connected with you and focus my thoughts as well. Thank you for your comments. They mean the world to me. So, I have this outward beauty to gaze upon and an inner reality to sink into more fully. Both are beautiful.
Signing off from the pine trees for now, with love, Connie
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