Sun 16 May 2010
May 15th, 2010: I BE
Posted by Connie under Spiritual self help memoir
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May 15th, 2010: I BE
Hello, my name is BlahBlahBlah. I’m from Tasmania. What do you do? Isn’t this the way of most conversations when you are first getting to know someone. We try to get a bead on someone so we ask where they live and then what is it that they do? It’s also a way to make casual conversation and grease the social cogs. Thank God for alcohol. Now there’s a real social lubricant.
At my Abrahamsters group last Friday evening we had a discussion about that very thing. Since I was the new kid on the block I explained my current circumstances of journeying into my heart and finding confidence living in my own skin without any labels around me. One woman suggested that if someone asks me what I do to just reply I BE. I really like that but I don’t know if I will say it in just that way.
Our culture, the American culture, does not give kudos to lack of employment. In fact all of our awards and accolades are given to people who have succeeded, meaning gotten a graduate degree while being a quadriplegic and then gone onto creating their own company and running it from a wheelchair hooked up to a respirator, all while managing being a single parent of 3 children under the age of 5 and being the foster parent of 2 special needs children. Now that’s success. And really I’m not far off.
Not that people cannot be genuinely inspired to do amazing things but I use the word inspired, not driven, not proving anything, not compensating…simply inspired to “do” because wild horses could not stop them from doing. And those people are usually not in the spotlight and don’t want to be.
I consider my biggest success in life to date is finding joy in being, like sitting in my bed in the morning feeling Source energy raising my energy bit by bit until I am floating on a cloud that feels so lovely or watching a man feeding the gulls this morning by the river across the street from where I live. The gulls were swarming and diving and it is a beautiful day here and I was sitting in the sun just soaking everything in and feeling all is well in the world.
I don’t mind saying that it has taken great courage to separate myself from the reality I perceive all around me and to follow my own path. As I find the joy that I believed was waiting for me, or I would not have embarked on this course, I am more and more comfortable and confident with my path. As Abraham says, the better it gets the better it gets.
Having my new community (I manifested a community) support me on my path was incredibly affirming for me. I didn’t realize how much that support meant until the days afterward when I felt stronger within somehow. More confident. “When two or more are gathered together….”
I think of my friend from Sydney Australia who, at 40 something just up and quit his job as a structural engineer. Not because he was unhappy. He liked his job very much. Not because he wanted another job. Not because he wanted to live somewhere else. But because he just wanted to, as he says, be on holiday permanently and live his faith that if he is following his heart then the Universe will take care of him. He is one of the most loving people I know. His face radiates joyfulness and love. He won’t get a placque or an award for this. His family and most of his friends think he has gone ’round the bend. He’s my hero. John, I love you.
And to you, with love, I BE…….Connie
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