Fri 7 May 2010
May 7th, 2010: Remembering What I Know
Posted by Connie under Spiritual self help memoir
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May 7th, 2010: Remembering What I Know
It was raining frogs this morning. Gloomy. Cold. I feel my brain still wired for tears and I want to cry but mostly I know it’s a dead end to start the water works and more than that the tears tend to acquire a life of their own. I try to steer myself away from tears unless it’s a must do.
In this case I make the usual coffee, and, God, that tastes good. I begin a focus wheel to shift my vibration up to feeling better. A focus wheel refresher….I have a large piece of blank paper and draw a large circle in the middle. I begin at about 1:00 and write a sentence about how I’m feeling right now that sucks. So I write I’m feeling depressed, teary and lonely.
Then, and this is a really important step, in circle in the middle of the paper I write what I want to feel. Everything has two components, that which is wanted and that which is NOT wanted. So in the circle I write I feel wonderful in the knowing that the Universe has my back and that everything that comes to me is timed in a perfect way. I feel so safe in the knowing the perfection of the arrival of what I want but also the perfection of any contrast (negativity) that I’m feeling.
Then having established those two points of what is wanted and what is not wanted I begin at 2:00 and proceed around the “clock” writing statements that come closer and closer to the middle statement. It’s important that these statements are accurate vibrations of what you are saying or the whole exercise is bogus.
So, I begin with “I often have periods of doubting or feeling depressed but they don’t last long.” Great, now for 3:00 – “I know that these periods are coming with less intensity and I have more and more confidence that I can focus myself into feeling better.” And so on…I know that every time I’ve felt depressed and then feel better I learn important things about myself. “I’m always struck by the perfect timing of what occurs to me.” “I ask for guidance and guidance always comes to me.” Do as many statements that you want until you reach the feeling of the circle statement.
I use the focus wheel nearly every morning to ramp up my energy. Even when I’m feeling fairly good I can always feel better and it’s an excellent practice to focus. Focusing is the key tool in creating what you want in your life.
It’s so good to remember what I know. It has swerved the bus away from the cliff a number of times lately.
With Love, Connie
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