April 28th, 2010:  The Vortex…the What?

The Buddhists say that this life is an illusion, a dream.  I remember hearing that and not knowing what that meant.  It had some resonance with me but I still did not understand.  Now I believe I’m much closer but it does challenge life as I knew it to be.

To hear what Abraham (see side panel) says about reality and vibrational reality can really rattle you cage.  I remember when I first read something that challenged my current belief about reality as I knew it.  I was about 27 and I was introduced to Edgar Cayce.  There have been volumes written by this man who was I believe blue collar worker who was a channel.  People would come to him with disease or some ailment and he would go into a trance and give them what they needed to do to heal.  Sometimes he would speak in a language unknown to him.  Sometimes he would speak of healing methods thousands of years old.    Much of the knowledge he retrieved was completely unknown by the man named Edgar Cayce.  Needless to say his knowledge was authenticated and his medical successes documented rigorously.

I read about Edgar Cayce for awhile and then I couldn’t read anymore.  It had just rocked my boat a bit too much and I had to put him down.  It took me years to digest and become comfortable with a different view of what I had considered “real”.  Because my spiritual path has developed over the course of about 25 to 30 years the idea that we are vibrational beings isn’t strange to me.  It seems reasonable.  Even the idea of a vibrational Vortex where all of our future dreams are held is not, at this point in my life seem “off the wall to me” understanding that thoughts are real and that we create our “thought dreams” and through Law of Attraction they are held for us in a sort of vibrational escrow or the Vortex.

But I imaging some people reading this will just chock this off to a “weirdo” and never come back to the site.  And then through Law of Attraction there will be those people who find this site who will get it.   Then there may be my family members who want to read this and had and idea that I was a bit “out there” but not this “out there”.  Whatever.

For me accepting that what I see as tangible as “real” and knowing that it is merely vibration and changeable and because it is vibration that has manifested it is past tense in a way.  Now take that one in.  The reality that we see looking out the window or looking around us is past tense?  That is really something.  What is really present tense in vibrational terms is what is in the Vortex.  That is even more present.  We may not be able to see it but we can feel it.  How do you know if you are feeling it.  You feel DAMN GOOD.  And after you feel that good, and your good feeling vibrations rise to match what is in your Vortex, then your dreams will manifest.

And after your dreams manifest you move onto new things and new ideas and new dreams and new stretching into new vibrations which will manifest and that is how we ensure eternity.   We, as human beings, create new energy, new thought energy which grows and grows and grows and we expand the Universe in that way.  This is just so amazing I’m done.

I must say that really embracing this meant letting go of life as I had known it to be and when I walked away from my job that I had for 32 years into a pit of loss I also felt the loss of a reality as I had known it to be and living with the powerful Vortex.  Would I go back?  Never.  I couldn’t if I wanted to.

With Love, Connie