January 15th, 2010:  Happy Birthday

Today is the 25th Birthday of my daughter.  She has been the greatest single teacher of my life.  This week there is much to celebrate because she is taking steps towards manifesting her dreams and that makes a mom happy.

I remember being terrified in my early twenties because I didn’t know what I was going to do with my life.  She has had her share of anxiety about her future.  In a way things have been more easy and more difficult for her.  More easy because she has parents who are willing to be patient and trusting in her process even when she doesn’t and providing a safety net for her.  More difficult because there are many more choices for her than there appeared to be for me.

It was assumed that I would go to college, perhaps graduate school and find a ‘professional career.  There was never any doubt about my education.  Daughter Meredith was a different story.  She had about 2 and 1/2 years of art school before calling it quits and then time working at non traditional jobs where she felt she could keep her sanity.

She taught me to be patient and to trust that she could and would figure out what her passion was and allow it to lay a course for her.  There were times when I had fears about my parenting…should I have kicked her out?  Was I making it too easy on her?   All fear based thoughts and feelings on my part.  I watched as my friend’s children finished college, found great, well paying jobs and are standing firmly on their own.  My baby was at home still germinating.

I continued to remind myself what I believe.  And that was that my path as well as her path would reveal itself as we are ready.   I had to keep telling myself that she was not the only hold out in the Universe that would prove this wrong.

And so let the celebration roll today, the day of the 25th anniversary of her entrance into this world.  Her pathis lighting up for her.  She’s happy.  Mom sure is happy too.  We will both create the lives we want.  2010 is looking good.

With Love, Connie