I no longer consider my extra sensitive emotional self a curse. After 40 years…since my 20’s of feeling labeled with an anxiety disorder, depression, throw in the possibility of bi-polar and yada, yada, yada. When she felt good she felt very very good and when she felt bad, she said, “beam me up, Scotty.”
So, given that every time I experience fear/anxiety I told myself there was something “wrong” with me I have finally cracked the code. After listenting to Abraham (see side panel) for about 3 years now, I’ve finally “heard” the message. My emotions are my guidance. Period.
So, what’s guidance…from where…for what? Glad you asked.
We are all coming from two separate perspectives. We have our physical perspective, the blood and bones part of us that sees and smells and tastes and touches, etc. And yet the larger part of us is the energetic part of us, the Source piece of us. We live in a vibrational world. In fact, quantum physics has discovered that the smallest particle of matter is thought. What the Bleep do We Know is a great book explaining this and it’s a mind blower. There was a movie made by that name as well.
So, we are vibratonal beings and the larger piece of us is Source energy…the energy that runs through us that proclaims us as alive rather than a corpse. There was a movie called 15 grams or it may have been 21 grams. But the number of grams is what has been figured out to be what that non- physical piece of us weighs. I’m not sure about that one but it’s interesting. The most interesting thing is that what may be considered as “nothing” actually weighs “something.”
So we are non- physical beings who chose to come here and focus the leading edge of this energy in a physical body. Abraham talks about electricity and a toaster. We are both the electricity and the toaster and they must be connected. For the toaster to work there must be the electricity.
So, we chose to come here and were not afraid because we have Guidance. The guidance comes in the form of our emotions. If we are feeling negative emotions it means that what we are feeling…fear, overwhelmnment, depression, frustration…what we are feeling is not in sync with what the larger part of us, our Source, is feeling. For example, if we are feeling pissed off because of something our mate says, what is really going on is we are seeing the situation in a different way than our Source is seeing it. Our physical self is angry but Source always sees with the eyes of love…so there is a pinching off within us from our Source energy and that does not feel good. The further we are from our Source energy the more shitty we feel. [That is the basic premise and it would take a book to explain it further. And perhaps I should write a book except Jerry and Esther Hicks have already done it through Abraham.]
The opposite is also true. The more aligned with Source, the better we feel.
Knowthing that my negative emotions are my guidance, I began to not fear my fear, to not label my negative emotions as a problem, as something wrong, as something not wanted. I began to see them as my built in safety net, like the bumps on the shoulders of the highway telling you that you are going in the ditch.
Now just think about what this implies for our entire mental health system. It boggles the mind and I will let that one just lay there. It’s big.
Have a great weekend, With Love, Connie