Archive for April, 2018

April 30, 2018

There is so much being written about feeling good, happiness, the happiest countries in the world (really?), 100 ways to feel good and on and on.

If I didn’t know better I’d kind of flip it off thinking, well I’ve lived most of my life sometimes up, sometimes down, and I’ve gotten rather used to feeling somewhere in between and that seems to work for me. So what’s the hype? There’s even a psychology of happiness that is gaining recognition.

I think most people, and I was one, felt that life is supposed to be hard, or just that’s the way it is, period. I hear people complaining, even on cruise ships, about what doesn’t feel good as if that is the leveling field for small talk on elevators or conversations in general.

Quantum physics is gaining importance to explain why being happy is a really good thing. I’m not a scientist but I do know that quantum physics explains how the smallest particle of matter is thought. String theory is closely related, and

Let’s just go back to quantum physics and take thought as the smallest particle of matter coupled with the law of attraction. There was a movie made called “What the bleep do we know” which was taken from a book of the same title. In it it explains how our thoughts coupled with the law of attraction actually create our reality. While this idea is not new, science moves VERY slowly because somehow it seems as if in our world EVERYONE has to agree on something before it can become fact. Remember how difficult it was to convince folks the world was not flat? Now try to convince them that they are creating their experience through the thoughts they are choosing to think. OMG! And that word “choosing” can be a hard one to swallow because most of us don’t think we choose our thoughts but that they are somehow just there because of what we observe or are reminders of what we have observed or experienced. But we actually choose what we pay attention to.

Case in point: A few years ago I chose not to watch television news anymore. I remember Bette Midler in an interview around that time saying she didn’t watch the news either because it just made her want to lie down! Bingo. I decided I would feel better if I didn’t watch the news. Why put myself in a downer on purpose? I CHOSE to feel better by not watching.

We make hundreds of decisions every day about what we want to pay attention to and what we pay attention to attracts other similar thoughts and thoughts being basically matter attracts similar people and experiences. Isn’t that mind blowing?!

So, if you are having a grumpy day and are running into disgusting people and fell down the steps and got flipped off in traffic I’m saying that you created that day with the thoughts you were thinking. This is not woo woo stuff, people, this is science.

And that’s the big deal about being happy. Being happy creates the life you would like. Complaining only brings more stuff to complain about. Really.

I guarantee there is more nitty gritty to come!

Wishing you all to pay attention you what makes you feel good so that you can be happy and have the life you want. Deep? Really deep!

April 24, 2018

When I was in my 20’s I knew that I had strong emotions, was intensely sensitive and reactive at times as well even if it was mostly internal. I considered my emotional life a blessing and a curse. When it’s good it was very very good and when it was bad, it was terrible.

I didn’t feel like I had control of my emotions. There was this life inside me that reacted and seemed at times separate from me. With age and experience and through great teachers such as Louise Hay and Abraham along with others, I’ve learned that I can indeed control my emotions and now I understand why I even have them.

Before I talk about why we have emotions I just want to say how we, as the human species have denigrated our emotions, have looked down on them as weak. And what’s more we have assigned them to women by a male dominated society and made half of our population, the weaker sex because we express our emotions.

There is good news in that as women begin to take their rightful place. Yet women are still “looked down upon” for expressing their emotions in public and god forbid a male politician express his. One male democrat running for President “back in the day” lost his bid in the primary when he shed tears over his wife having been the nasty target of some other politician. And god forbid that women shed tears in the workplace. WHAT WOULD PEOPLE THINK. OMG!!

Now here’s my incredible input if I do say so myself. I didn’t make this up. It comes straight from Abraham. We came to be on this planet having been given emotions as a gift, well sort of, from our Higher Power. Because we were never supposed to go this trip alone. It is just too difficult. So we were given emotions as Guidance and a direct connection with our Higher Selves. We were so meant to be happy here and enjoy our experience. When we are happy we are in sync so to speak with our Higher Power and that is pure positive energy so when we hook up with that energy we are feeling really good.

When we’re not feeling good we become pinched off from our Guidance a sort of stick being put in the spokes of our bicycle because that pure positive energy will never bend to be with our fears, doubts, anger. Guidance is pure positive energy and unconditional love. And so when we are in sync with our Higher Power we are connected to all that is and can “hear” our guidance. We can make the right decisions for ourselves, give love to the people around us, give love to ourselves, know instinctively what to do for ourselves.

To really know how absolutely important emotions are to us, to know that our emotions tell us if we are “on track” with our life’s purpose or not, is mind blowing to me. And also so affirming as a woman with plenty emotion. This is such a huge topic and I could go on and on but not at the moment. I need my morning coffee!

April 11, 20

6:24 p.m.

So I just was saying that we can’t blame anyone else for our own feelings. Period. Did I say that?? I did say that and I do believe it. And then I feel at times that I want to do physical damage to my partner or at least dole out a good dose of verbal abuse. Really let him have it!!

Then I take my dog buddy for a walk and can’t stop the tears from flowing because of extreme frustration with him and with myself for being so angry…because I’m supposed to know better, dammit!

And then I swear I heard the words in my head that I need to allow my tears because they are a release and I’m going to need them. And I do believe that those words come from the Higher Self in me finding air time through a crack in my tears.

Interestingly enough I had just asked for “help” from that Higher Self, the Big Me from mini me. And as my spiritual journey has evolved I’ve found that the help is there or eminent.

I need to honor the physical me and get off my own back. So if I can just allow myself to feel what I feel and sort of cover those feelings with a parallel feeling of the Love that is also the Source of my “Beingness”, I can return to a much better place.

And when I say “allow” those nasty feelings I mean let them be with all of the grit that I can draw upon of how I’m feeling. And then after mini me has had her say (and ONLY after she has had her say) I can conjure another vibrational frequency that is the Love of the Universe. Then a sort of alchemy happens where that amazing Love just settles over the self hate and the homicidal feelings as a blanket of comfort and I can feel the anger and sadness sort of melt as the Love becomes more dominant.

I was able to find that feeling of powerful love through meditation when you can find the stillness to let all thought go and then the Energy of Source can surface. It’s not difficult. It’s just takes the knowing that it’s there and practice.

I must say that finding that Love feels rather magical and is well worth the practice of letting go of our busy minds. But once you get a taste of what that Love feels like you will want it again and again. And the door to the reality of a whole non physical universe begins to open. That’s when it gets really juicy.

Next…an easy guide to meditation and resources.

Peace, Connie

I was having a great day today and then I had to deal with a “customer service” person from God knows where and who totally could not understand my situation. I hung up furious and also furious that my perfect day was crapped on. Or was it? I had to back up and focus on knowing what I know.

So,I believe that most of us know intuitively that there is more to life on this planet besides what we can perceive through our senses. I’ve always known that and it had nothing to do with religion. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

I’ve had the great experience of working with some great teachers mentioned on this website and came to learn what I’ve always known intuitively. Like we are more than our physical bodies. We have what some call an Inner Being or a higher self, Source energy, God, the Great Spirit…whatever. It really doesn’t matter.

What does matter is that when we arrived on planet Earth we have never been alone. Not only that we have an internal guidance system. We were not expected to land here on Earth and just wing it. And what is so absolutely cool is that our guidance system manifests in our emotions. We are meant to be happy and we intuitively know that because it seems wrong if we aren’t happy…like we know that being happy is where we belong. And that is so because our inner beings are pure positive energy as in Love is all you need, as in God is Love, as in the greatest love is inside of you. Thank you, Whitney.

When we are happy we are in sync with the greater part of who we really are…Source Energy. And when we are mad at that creep who cut us off in traffic and then flipped us off we are NOT in sync with our Source or Inner Being. Our Inner Beings will not get mad along with us being pure positive energy. They will not join us and that seeming pinched off ness from our Source feels like mad at the time. Yet, and this is really big, we get pissed off at the other guy when the truth is we pinched our own selves off from our Source of happy. This can be mind blowing in a blaming culture. What if instead of always blaming someone else for what we are feeling we took total responsibility for our feelings. That is hair blowing back mind bending. Yet its true.

So let’s go back to my beginning. I am mostly a happy person and that requires focus. Focus on what feels good because then I’m aligned with Love, with pure positive energy, with my Inner Being. Period. It’s just that simple. And not simple as well because we have been wired differently from the get go.

That’s the point of my writings actually…this wiring thing and how we can create happy lives and get all we want in the process. We so weren’t wired that way.

Stay tuned… Connie