January 12th, 2011:  Nothing is Worth Losing Connection with Source

Imagine sitting in bed in the morning light and looking out the deck doors to the ocean and feeling the hum of the ship engines and the rocking of the sea.  Add a cup of coffee with thick Australian cream and that’s just got to be the best.  Oh, and add feeling in the Vortex or at one with Source energy and we’re ready for take off.,

If there is one thing that has sunk in more deeply on this cruise is that nothing, I mean NOTHING is more important than my own connection to my Source energy which feels wonderful.  It is alignment with my wholeness.  It is what we’re after when we use substances or behaviors to fill a void.  It feels like the high you’ve been looking for and which has been elusive or gone when the drugs wear off or when the purchase is old. 

Abraham (see side panel) calls this feeling being in the Vortex.

And it’s not so difficult to achieve.  It is just practice, really.  We know the feeling.  We just think that the feeling belongs with events outside of us…a birth, a wedding, falling in love.  We have attached those high flying emotions to something that happens to us rather than something that is a natural state of being.

Even saying that this wonderful sense of Being is our natural state probably sounds like snake oil.  Because most of us were trained away from this excitement and feelings of freedom when we were children and by the time we are adults the outside world or what we have come to call “reality” has taken over our ability to connect internally with who we really are.

So, returning to that natural state requires quieting the “reality” around you.  Meditation and breathing are the best ways.  And when you do find yourself feeling really really good just milk it for all it’s worth.  Sit on that good feeling and just enjoy the hell out of it and because of the Law of Attraction you will attract other good feelings.

I’ve skimmed over a lot here to get to my point:  nothing is worth the loss of that internal connection.  To truly live this one must be willing to Be the center of your universe.  Remember when your mother said “the world doesn’t revolve around you.”  Yes, it does!  And that’s not a bad thing because when you are aligned with your Source energy, that means you are aligned with Love and when you are aligned with Love then you are nice to be around.

(Narcissism is not being aligned with Love…it is being aligned with a fear based idea that we really are not seen in a basic sense.)

So, when I feel myself becoming anxious about what I want to do on the ship, I remind myself that nothing trumps me being in alignment and the anxiety goes away.  When I feel some concern emerging that I should be having dinner with friends instead of reading a book I remind myself about my own alignment and the concern evaporates.  And that’s just the small stuff.  It’s also not worrying about your money, your kids, your job…whatever.,

Because if you are in alignment everything you want will come to you in a way that is uniquely perfect to you. 

I’m observing that ride for me and it is spectacular!  It’s why I came.  It’s why we all came.

I remember a bible verse from my early fundamentalist days…”Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all else shall be added unto you.”

 With love from the Tasman Sea, Connie