December 31, 2010:  The best high ever!

The higher they are the bigger the splat!  Well, after my last post I took a spat.  I felt weepy and depressed in a way that I had not felt in a long time and what was worse was not being able to take the bounce, focus and come back.  Bummer big time.

Our feelings are our divine guidance and tell us whether or not we are on track.  A no brainer, really.  Feeling good?  Great, I’m on track and in alignment with my Source energy withing.  Feeling crapped out?  It’s not bad but it just means that I’m not keeping up with my Source energy.  I’m feeling pinched off from that Love energy and because I have the ability to feel things in an extremely sensitive way, when I’m feeling pinched off it really sucks, big time.

But our negative feelings are really important and so it’s a fine line we must walk as to how much attention to give a negative feeling.  Because attention to something makes it bigger and the depressed part of me does not want to go there!  But because the feelings persisted I did give them some air time.  Shutting myself up is not a good idea either.  We can get so good at denial of our feelings that we lose our emotional Source guidance.

As a BTW, think of what we have done with our divine guidance by denying our emotions and making feeling our emotions bad, inappropriate, unmanly, whatever.   When we deny our emotionality we deny the divinity within.  Now that is deep!

So, it’s an internal dance as to how much air time to give negative feelings….enough to get what is needed but not so much as to attract and create a monster.  Some of us are good at creating drama.  Oh, Lord!

I loved myself through days of being on the edge of wanting to throw myself down on the floor and wail my guts out for nothing I could particularly get my brains around…and then…

I was driving down the street with my faithful dog on the console and screamed, “I’m sick of feeling shitty!  Enough already.  Fuck this shit.”  And the anger was relieving and I knew I was on my way “home”.

The next morning after I awoke I was feeling weepy again and grabbed my energy with determination and at once I felt the emotional floor close under me and it was as if someone put an IV morphine drip in and I came back into alignment so quickly and so firmly that it was an amazing experience.  I’ve had this experience before.  It’s called closing the gap.  Closing that gap between the pinched off me and once again allowing that Love energy to enter.

It’s at those times that I’m glad I’m extremely sensitive.  The upside is that when it feels good, it’s the best high ever experienced.  Of course, I get acclimated to the new set point and it doesn’t feel the same good way but that’s okay.  I will experience it again and again and again and again.  It’s called life.

Happy New Year.  I’m leaving for New Zealand this afternoon and will talk with you from there!

With Love, Connie