Thu 25 Nov 2010
Thanksgiving, 2010
Posted by Connie under Spiritual self help memoir
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Thanksgiving, 2010
Wow, what a year…I went from hoping to Knowing and as Abraham (see side panel) says, the better it gets the better it gets. That’s the most amazing thing. Because I have felt so good most of the time and am getting such joy out of knowing I am free to choose my feelings (most of the time) and then from basking in that good feeling knowing that it is just going to get better and better…well…it blows my mind…in a good way of course!
After 64 years of thinking my very sensitive emotional system was often a curse, I’ve grown into it…like learning to ride my Harley. (See previous post.)
I have big dreams and now I can say that I’m really happy with where I am and can just look forward with eagerness and curiosity as to how they will all unfold. Case in point: I’m a cruise junkie. Specifically a Princess cruise junkie. I get all of this mail from them and drool over new ports of call. Recently there was an ad for a transatlantic cruise from Florida to London including the Brittish Isles which incredibly cheap. I really REALLY wanted to go but put a pass on it. It’s a 16 day cruise and I’ve always wanted to go on a transatlantic cruise. Then yesterday I got another mailing with this same cruise reduced another $400 and I bit.
For a minute I thought…I don’t have the money…I am cruising New Zealand in January…blah, blah. And then I heard another voice in me saying, life is supposed to be fun, where is your knowing of your abundance? And then I felt as if I was directed to think of signing up for the cruise and if I was worried, etc, then just to take the bounce and expand to a new point of Knowing the abundance and feeling good about it…And I did just that!
The feeling was amazing and that was my affirmation from my Source energy to go for it! I just called Princess and their booking office is closed today but if I am truly meant to be on that cruise there will be just the cabin for me tomorrow!
Now the real joy in all of this in not the cruise, or going on the cruise, but in the feeling of joy in the thinking about it and the expansion of it! I’m finally getting that and getting that is worth an entire day of giving thanks!
Love to All of You on this wonderful day of Appreciation! Connie