Mon 2 Aug 2010
August 2nd, 2010: Closing the Gap
Posted by Connie under Spiritual self help memoir
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August 2nd, 2010: Closing the Gap
Closing the Gap is like an energetic orgasm. Interested?
We humans are vibrational beings, the smallest particle of matter being thought. This is fact, not theory. So, as vibrational/energetic beings we have the physical piece of us and then there is a larger non physical piece of us that is sometimes called soul, higher power, higher self, Source, God. We came to this life experience confident because we have an emotional guidance system. It is with us so that we can see how aligned…or not…we are with our Source. So, we came confident that we could stay on track with Source because every time we feel negative emotion we can know that we have become pinched off from our Source.
For example if a friend is rude to us we may feel angry, disappointed, sad, all of which are negative emotions. This is to say that the Source within us does not see the situation as we have see it. Our Source always sees everything in a loving light and does not look at things that are otherwise. At this point we are a bit pinched off from our Source within. This lack of alignment with our Source is the reason for our negative feelings.
At the same time we experience the negative feelings of our friend’s rudeness we automatically send out a wish or a “rocket of desire” as Abraham (see side panel) would describe it, for a more sensitive friend or whatever it is that we wish at the moment. And because we have asked (and we need not be cognizant that we have asked) it is always given…vibrationally. In other words, a better feeling relationship is instantly created and exsists in a sort of vibrational escrow for us. Everything is vibrational before it is manifested…everything including our Earth itself.
So everything we have imagined wanting for ourselves exists in the present tense in our Vibrational Escrow. That is how we create our reality. And in order to manifest what it is that we are wanting we must become a vibrational match to what it is that we are wanting.
So back to the rude friend. In order to become a vibrational match to the nicer friend that we have wished for we must energetically become that me/person with the nicer friend. We must feel our way to that place of having the nicer friend and feel “as if” that were a reality. Another word for that is “taking the bounce” that the contrast of the rude friend has created and becoming vibrationally in sync with our wish. When we do this we “close the gap” between how we are feeling and how the Source within us is feeling.
And when this closing of the gap occurs and we move back into alignment with Source there is this swell of good feeling “orgasmic” energy. And WOW. That is why we came here for the expansion of ourselves to ever greater vibrational beings. Taking the bouce is taking the expansion that our wanting has caused. We came here to feel that joy and growth.
And, as an added bonus, we can now bless those situations that cause us contrasting feelings or negative feelings because they are the catalysts that allow us to expand, closing the gap and feeling joyful expansion.
I’ve finally gotten my pulse around this baby and life is good. Traffic frustrating, have a mental orgasm. Partner irritating, take the expansion and have a mental orgasm. Air conditioning not working, take the bounce and have an orgasm. It ALL GOOD! And perhaps the best part is that when we are feeling good we also become in sync with everything else we have wished for and which exists in Vibration Escrow for us and when we are a match or in sync then the stuff that we have asked for must manifest.
Now this entry contains very simple yet very dense ideas. To get to where I could really get all of this took a great deal of focusing energy but my God it was worth it!
With Love, Connie