Mon 7 Jun 2010
June 7, 2010: Choose a Lens
Posted by Connie under Spiritual self help memoir
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June 7, 2010: Choose a Lens
I will be going to the north woods of Wisconsin on Saturday for 2 weeks. It is something I look forward to from year to year and I was hoping that since I’ve been feeling so good that my time up there would be extra good this year. But the skies of my heart were feeling partly cloudy about the whole thing…and I was not able to bat it away…until…I remembered that I can choose how I view any situation. I can decide which lens to pick up and put on. It’s so simple and so powerfully profound.
So, feeling the contrast of those partly cloudy skies, I picked up the opportunity and took the bounce. In other words, by my feeling something that might get in the way of a really great time, I had already asked, vibrationally, for a wonderful time. Ask and it is given. So my wonderful time already exists vibrationally and the reason I’m feeling contrast is because I’m not lined up with what I’m wanting, so I can take the bounce and line up.
How do I line up? Well I’ll tell you. I took the things I was particularly concerned about and made a list of positive aspects about each of them. For example, I know that this may be the last time I go to this particular place and I felt sad about that and so I make a list of how that is a positive thing. It’s positive because I’m changing and becoming more the person I want to be and something better will be going on. I’m breaking into new territory. Also, I’ve had to change north woods locations before and found another neat place that was better in many respects that the previous one. Even the feeling of the “opportunity” to take a new bounce feels delicious, coming into alignment with who I truly an feels wonderful and on and on. I did this with everything I was concerned about and ended up ready to have a great time.
It’s a choice but we forget that so often. We are trained into believing that something other than ourselves has control over us…that there are others to blame for how we feel. We are first told that by Mother who says that we need to make her happy by behaving in a way that is pleasing to her. And so it goes.
So, we can become aware of the fact that we have a lens box with an infinite number of lenses in it that we can apply…or not. It is a choice.
What a nice way to open a week knowing you have choice. With Love, Connie