June 5, 2010:  Enjoying Contrast?  Shut Up!

Somewhere along the line contrast has gotten a bad rap.  You know what contrast is?  It is those inevitable things in our lives from people to events to whatever that cause us to experience negative emotion.   But without contrast we wouldn’t know from positive emotion.

It’s really not that uncommon for people to see contrast or “problems” as a failure of some sort so if something occurs that is unwanted we can feel defeated or unworthy.  But, hey, contrast is why we came here in the first place.  We sift through contrast to find out what it is we DO want and then if we can focus on that we can create it for ourselves.

But easier said than done, right?  I understood this intellectually for a long time but whenever I experienced some negative emotion I still didn’t like it and was relieved when it passed.  Abraham (see side panel) says that we can come to appreciate contrast for what it offers us.  Yeah, right.  That’s the way they open their seminars…asking the audience if they are enjoying the contrast they are experiencing….there is some uncomfortable laughter always.  Nobody is buying it.

I’ve had some of the best feeling days of my life in the past week.  The best way I can describe it is the feeling of freedom…of flying…of elation.  So yesterday I had lunch with a close friend and I shared with him how I had been feeling and a wee voice inside said…be careful, if you say it out loud it will go away.  And the seed was planted.

The rest of the day I had this cobweb over my mojo and it didn’t leave.  Rats…contrast.  And I knew where it had started but just tried to ignore it and maybe it will go away.

So, this morning I wake up and do my usual focus wheel to raise my vibration and I began thinking about yesterday and how I had experienced contrast because I wasn’t trusting myself on that deep level with my friend and then I knew I could just take the bounce so to speak and expand into the person that CAN share openly and lovingly because that’s who I really am….and I DID it.  Not only did I do it but in the process I was very aware that I would not be feeling so great again had it not been for the contrast.  I actually was appreciative of the contrast as I was feeling it.

Now that’s a first for me.  And granted it wasn’t the death of a child but it was contrast nevertheless and I embraced it.  So there!  I know this will take practice but I’m down for it.

With love, Connie