Mon 5 Apr 2010
April 5, 2010: Focus, Focus, Focus
Posted by Connie under Spiritual self help memoir
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April 5th, 2010: Focus, Focus, Focus
So, I made a decision to feel good or as the Abrahamsters say go to the Vortex. My daughter said there ought to be a bumper sticker that says “Honk if Your In the Vortex”. I’m lovin’ it. From my last Abrahamster cruise we got pins per usual with the Abraham logo on it and now they’ve added a big “V” that goes through the middle of the pin. Very nice.
In case you’ve never been to the the Abraham-Hicks website, I would strongly recommended it. There are a lot of video clips on it that are very good as well as a lot of information. It’s
Now back to the decision. I knew that after making a decision to stay in the Vortex of Well Being I would need to re new that decision. Today I realized that takes physical focus. Mental focus and visual focus. I’m a bit near sited and I had laser surgery a few years ago so I don’t wear glasses for for near sightedness any more but I do wear reading glasses now. I’m noticing that my eyes are becoming a bit lazy in that the more I wear reading glasses, the more I need them. I believe I can practice myself out of wearing them.
Just as I need to practice feeling more positively, I believe I can see things more clearly if I practicing focusing on that level as well. The more I’m used to feeling well, the more I’ll feel well and the more I’ll figure out just how to find that rabbit hole of feeling good. I know it’s there and I can just “feel” for it as Abraham says. You cannot think your way to Well Being. It’s a feeling job. I can focus my feelings to the rabbit hole. I call it that not only because I saw Alice and Wonderland but because I believe there is such a thin veil between what we tend to call reality and the vibrational world of Well Being. We can just focus, feel, focus, feel, there it is and we’re in. Then allow that feeling to expand and be.
I’m going to use my eyes more without glasses purposefully to help me focus. As all physical problems have their roots in negative energy I expect my early near sightedness had to do with there being things in my life that I just didn’t want to see. But now I can adjust that energy knowing that nothing I see now can hurt me. I can relax in the knowing that there is nothing to fear. Just writing that has helped the focusing process as I stare at the monitor.
I’m beginning to bask in good feeling thoughts as I go to sleep. It was a suggestion from Abraham. I did that last night and did not have fear this morning. I’ll try again tonight. Focus in feeling good the night before and wake up feeling good.
Good evening my friends.
With Love, Connie