Archive for March, 2010

March 6th, 2010:  Hello Out There!

Beginning new things can be on a continuum from exciting to terrifying.  When I began this site last November I was pretty scared.  I felt so vulnerable.  But my guidance told me solidly that it would be a good thing to do and so I got on with it.  I had no expectations other than providing me with something that felt good in the doing…feeling productive as well as giving me a focus.

I enjoy writing and journaling.  Doing this particular venture has helped me focus personally in some really helpful ways and I’ve collected some stats that shows  visits to the site are growing.    I was amazed in December when I realized that there were some people out there that were visiting regularly.  For a self proclaimed technophobe, that was incredible to me.

But at this point in my blathering…is that a word?…is this helpful or interesting to anyone but me?  I realize I’m taking a tremendous risk here because there is a good chance I won’t hear from anyone.  The last comment I got was dated December 3rd from the Payday Loan people.  I just felt so used…pimped by Payday.

If making a comment feels scarey think of what you will be giving me and the rest of this community and how proud you’ll be!  A breakthrough.  Originally I wanted to be able to use this sight as a community tool.  I’ve been a teacher for many years and have taught an Abraham (see panel) like curriculum about creating the life your want.

So I’m issuing an invitation to say hey, and to let me know if this is remotely useful in any way and if there’s anything you like in particular.  I’d love to hear from you!   It would feel satifying.  Feedback is a good thing.

My cruise countdown shows 6 days until I go to Ft. Lauderdale.  We sail the next day!   I plan on taking my laptop so you can go with me and I’ll let you know about Abraham’s seminars and the ports we visit.

With Love, Connie

March 5th, 2010: 

I wake again to fear.  The kind of fear I felt one year ago.   And then it was the first time in 32 years I didn’t have a job.  And I struggled with finding myself worthy. 

I still don’t have a “real job”.  But I had to remind myself…whatI’m doing is probably the most important work of my life.  My work is feeling good.  And the kind of feeling good that doesn’t depend on any outside situation to be fixed or created in order for me to feel good.  My work is feeling good from the inside out.  Just because I am.   The critical work is in the being rather than the doing.  And for this society that’s certainly a paradigm shift.

And I had to know and trust that this is true.  Feeling good is the work.  For if I’m feeling good everything I want can come to me.  Some people just say, well bring me the money I want and I’ll get happy or bring me the partner I want and then I’ll feel good.  And it simply doesn’t work that way.  The Law of Attraction will bring us what we want when we are as happy without what we are wanting whatever as we would be with it.  Because when we are being the person happy with whatever we are desiring we are a match to that which we want and it must come to us.  That is a major mouthful.  We imagine ourselves as us already having what we are asking for…feeling good.  And then what we want must come.  

When I can do that I feel wonderful and then there are some days like today when that seems very far away and I become discouraged.  Will my dreams come true?  Will I get what I’m wanting?  A friend with whom I had lunch today said to me…”more will be revealed.”  She also reminded me of how much of what I’m wanting has come about.  Yes that’s true.

I’m feeling the kind of good many times that I’ve wanted to feel.  I have a new car.  I’m going on a cruise a week from today!  My cruise countdown continues.   My family relationships are better.  I’m more appreciative of what I have.  I’m learning to make peace with where I am.

And I look forward to the more being revealed.

With love, Connie

March 3rd, 2010:  Better from Better

The better it gets the better it gets.  That’s what Abraham (see side panel) says and I’m beginning to see an energetic shift for myself.  My vibrational/emotional set point is rising.  And this is my daily work of focusing reaping some results.   On a recent recording of a session with Abraham a man in the audience told Abraham, “When I focus, it just doesn’t feel good.”  Abraham’s reply was we have our particular set point and Law of Attraction keeps us there, i.e., keeps drawing experiences and ideas and people to us that affirm our particular set point.  So to consciously focus on feeling better it may take some juice (my word) to shift. 

Some people may say, well that’s just the way I am….pessimistic, worried, etc.  Abraham says you can continue to be unhappy or you can focus.  It’s our choice.  And when we see the results the focusing does get a lot easier.

I think it’s difficult for most of us to see ourselves as vibrational because we are so fleshy and bony and bloody.  But it’s not as difficult for us to know that that’s the way we interpret the world around us.  We interpret the world through vibration.  We also know that different people may have very different vibrational interpretations of the same thing.

I woke this morning with a start at 7:45 and it was sunny in my loft.  I experienced sharp fear which I had not been feeling in the morning.  I attempted to shift that fear into a better feeling vibration and was rather unsuccessful in my view.  I could get to tears which was better that fear but not as good as I had hoped. 

But I met with a friend and we ended up laughing hysterically and I so needed that.  I’m able to shift my energy more easily now.  I’m also asking for more help.  I write my intensions for the day down on a slip of paper and put it into my back pocket.   I was writing fast this morning and demanding some guidance and help for my feelings.  They came.  When I left my meeting I could say, “I did that!” 

Ther better it gets the better it gets..,…love, Connie

March 2nd, 2010:   Don’t forget to as

I realize that for much of my life I’ve waited.  I’ve waited to feel good again.  I’ve waited for something terrific to happen.  I woke up this morning and no good feelings were forthcoming and so I asked very clearly for help to feel better and in a matter of less that 2 minutes I had good feelings wash down through me. 

The better it gets the better it gets.  This is what Abraham (see side panel) says constantly.  And I’ve noticed more lately that I’m able to effect my energetic state with some asking…I just forget to ask sometimes.

So with that asking being answered in such a dramatic way for me this morning I decided that I was in a position to get more clear about my asking on larger issues.  It’s no longer a matter of being able to navigate my days.  I’ve gotten pretty good at that.  Now I’m getting ready to think about what I’m wanting next.

And so today I said to my Creative Source, “I’m ready.”  I’m feeling ready for my life to move.  I’m wanting to allow some good to manifest, not only in relationships but in my financial well being.  I’m shifting into a posture of readiness.  I was going to add “expecting” but I’m not sure I’m quite there yet.  But I do feel ready.

When I put myself in the ready mode I feel myself looking forward with more clarity and intention.  I’m clear that I want to move forward and I intend to do just that and I’m fully trusting that I will be given what I’m needing.

What I know for sure is that I’m an impatient being.   Now that I’m getting used to feeling better I’m hot onto the next thing which is more reaching.  I’ve been reaching for so long just to feel better and now that I do and am getting a handle on that I’m saying, so now what?  What’s next?   And the neat part is I don’t have to worry about what, where, from whom it will come.  It’s a vibrational journey.

What’s next is the asking and I’m ready.

With Love, Connie