Tue 5 Jan 2010
January 5, 2010: Joy Rising
Posted by Connie under Spiritual self help memoir
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January 5, 2010: Joy Rising
I was driving in my car today and enjoying one of the benefits of my new car…satelite radio. Yea! I had it tuned to the Oprah channel of course and listened to the Black Eyed Peas sing It’s a Good Day. God, is that a great song. I believe this was from her first program of the season and the Peas had sung this song together with 20,000 people outside in the street at Harpo Studios. Now that must have been totally amazing. It’s probably on U Tube.
People in the studio were commenting on how this had effected them and one man said he felt like what he imagined heaven would feel like and described the feeling as “joy rising”.
I love that concept, joy rising. I believe I am rising out of my storm and many times I can say that what I feel is joy rising. It’s taken me a long time to reach this point. I can remember a time when I wasn’t sure what joy felt like. I knew it was more that “happy” but I wasn’t sure beyond that. Thank God that was a long time ago.
I’ve been loving this sense of joy rising because there is no stopping point, no ceiling on how much joy we can feel. That’s because we are energetic beings after all, vibrational, and this energy is essentially love. This energy of which we are made is constantly expanding, we are constantly becoming more and there is no end to our ability to feel love or joy. We won’t use it all up or run out.
Because of the Law of Attraction the better we feel the better we feel etc. and so I love milking a sense of joy for all it’s worth, just basking in that joy rising and let myself float on those words as if they are a warm thermal cloud I can just rest in like a Westin Heavenly Bed.
I want joy to feel more normal in my life, and claim my birthright. We are naturally joyous beings. We have just attuned ourselves to the prevailing vibrations around us and have made our “normal” much less that it could be. We have turned ourselves away from who we are because of others around us. From day one. Fortunately we can change that.
So, I will take joy rising with me as a gift of the day and hang onto it.
With Love, Connie