Tue 8 Dec 2009
December 8, 2009 Squirrels and Nuts
Posted by Connie under Spiritual self help memoir
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I feel like a squirrel preparing for winter. As the days shorten, and it’s more and more cloudy and rainy I can no longer find some release and freedom being outdoors and riding my Harley-Davidson regularly. It’s difficult to be depressed while flying through the wind and feeling like tough shit on the bike.
What will I do when I’m socked in with snow and cold and wading around in dirty slush outside? Alcoholism is not on my list of activities but I can see why it is a problem in Iceland.
The blog is satisfying and something to which I’m committed but clearly is not enough. On line dating! There’s a scarey thought and a remote possibility. I don’t believe I’m ready yet for that and the Law of Attraction would probably bring me someone who is unemployed and depressed. I’m really wanting a wealthy, attractive man looking for a traveling companion. He pays, of course.
Something I plan on doing is polish a draft of a curriculum I have written. Over the past three years I’ve been developing a curriculum entitled Awake and Inspired: Creating the Life You Want. I have used it with the staff in my former agency and then began teaching it to our consumers, women in the criminal justice system.
It teaches the basics of how we create our own reality and practical how-to’s for getting on the journey. For those who are ready it can be literally life changing as it was for me. It can also just offer some practical help in feeling better.
My future may include using this curriculum in some way. I’m already using its ideas and beliefs in this blog. Because both the blog and the curriculum are coming from an internal place of inspiration, I am willing to allow the Universe to direct me as to their use and I’m feeling patient.
With Love, Connie