Tue 18 May 2010
May 18th, 2010: Focus, Focus, Focus
Posted by Connie under Uncategorized
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May 18th, 2010: Focus, Focus, Focus
I’ll bet most people just looking in would think I’m talking about a camera. And the fact is most people don’t think purposefully about what they are giving their attention to. We just bop around and are pulled this way and that depending on what is in front of us. It isn’t in our psyche that we should be careful about what we are taking into ourselves. But, just like we wouldn’t give our bodies a diet of junk food, we need to pay attention to what kind of diet we are feeding our minds and our spirits.
Basically if it doesn’t feel good focus somewhere else. Why? Because how we feel, or how we vibrate so will we attract. The Law of Attraction. That which is like unto itself is drawn. But because this just may seem like such a change from normal functioning most people don’t take this focusing thing on. It does take effort and commitment. And unless your life is on the line in some way it may be interesting to think about but not worth changing, literally, your view of the world.
But, and fortunately for me, my life was on the line. I was seriously depressed after leaving my job/life for 32 years that it was either learn to focus or seriously wanting to end my life. After hanging around with Abraham (see side panel) and Louise Hay (side panel) I believed that if I changed what I was giving my attention to then I could finally achieve the joy of being that I had always wanted.
Over the past year I could feel myself gradually emerging. Still, there were so many times I doubted. Does this stuff really work? Will I ever feel really good without crashing again and again and again? Well, I’m here to tell you it does work. I have never felt better in my life. Seriously. And I can tell the difference between “crashing” and the normal negative feelings life brings up. Before, I had an underlying belief that I could not sustain being happy. Maybe I thought I didn’t deserve it, that life is just pain, that this is just the way it is. Probably a bit of all of that but I have succeeded in focusing myself into a different way of being.
And the neat thing is that the better it gets the better it gets. Because I’m feeling good I’m attracting great people to talk with, interesting ideas are occurring to me, I have manifested a community for myself and I am feeling joy in just “being”. And another great thing is that there is no ceiling on how good I can feel. It will just keep getting better. We are expanding beings and can choose to keep up with the expansion or not.
Actually I don’t think focusing is an either/orthing. You might begin with not watching television newscasts. They are the absolutely the worst sorce of bummed out feelings I can think of. Newspapers too. The front page. Forget it. It’s 95% negative…except when Obama won the election. I liked that one.
Try developing an awareness of what you are giving your attention to and whether or not it makes you feel good or not. And if it doesn’t, then consider choosing something else. That’s a great start. Just becoming aware of the fact that you have choice.
I’ll never go back. I’m vigilant about what goes into my focus. And I take time to purposefully focus on things that feel good. Focusing positively can and will change your life. Some of us don’t want to focus for fear of that change. I get that too.
Hope your week is going well…Love, Connie